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tsvtools - Prepare your metadata

This collection of tools aims at handling metadata of BIDS-formatted datasets. These tools perform three main tasks:

  • Get the labels used in the classification task (get-labels),
  • Get the progression of Alzheimer's disease (get-progression),
  • Split data to define test, validation and train cohorts (split + kfold or prepare-experiment),
  • Get additional data (get-metadata),
  • Analyze populations of interest (analysis).


Classical ratios in the scientific literature are 80%-20% (or 70%-30%) for train/validation. These values can be modified according to the size of the dataset, and the number of hyperparameters that are tuned. More information on the subject can be found online.

get-labels - Extract labels


This tool writes a unique TSV file containing the labels asked by the user. The labels correspond to the following description and are stored in the column named diagnosis:

  • CN (cognitively normal): sessions of subjects who were diagnosed as cognitively normal during all their follow-up;
  • AD (Alzheimer's disease): sessions of subjects who were diagnosed as demented during all their follow-up;
  • MCI (mild cognitive impairment): sessions of subjects who were diagnosed as prodromal (i.e. MCI) at baseline,

These labels are specific to the Alzheimer's disease context and can only be extracted from cohorts used in (Wen et al., 2020).

However, users can define other label lists manually and give them in inputs of other functions of tsvtools. These TSV files will have to include the following columns: participant_id, session_id, and the name of the value used for the label (for example diagnosis). Other functions of tsvtools may also try to have similar distributions according to the age and the sex of the participants. To benefit from this feature, the user must also include these two columns in their TSV files.

Example of TSV produced by get-labels:

participant_id session_id diagnosis age sex ...
sub-CLNC0001 ses-M000 MCI 72 M ...
sub-CLNC0001 ses-M012 MCI 65 F ...
sub-CLNC0001 ses-M036 AD 66 F ...
sub-CLNC0002 ses-M000 CN 89 F ...

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools get-labels [OPTIONS] BIDS_DIRECTORY OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

  • BIDS_DIRECTORY (Path) is the input folder containing the dataset in a BIDS hierarchy.
  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY (Path) is the path to the directory containing all outputs generated by the command.


  • --modality (str) is the modality for which the sessions are selected. Sessions which do not include the modality will be excluded from the outputs. The name of the modality must correspond to a column of the TSV files in missing_mods. Default value: t1w.
  • --diagnoses (List[str]) is the list of the labels that will be extracted. Labels can be either a group or a subgroup. These labels must be chosen from the combination of group and subgroup seen above. All the sessions for which the diagnosis is not in the given list will be remove in the output TSV file. Default will be focus on the Alzheimer's disease and only process AD and CN labels.
  • --restriction_tsv (Path) is a path to a TSV file containing the list of sessions that should be used. This argument is useful to integrate the result of a quality check procedure. Default will not perform any restriction.
  • --variables_of_interest (List[str]) is a list of columns present in MERGED_TSV that will be included in the outputs.
  • --keep_smc (bool) if given the SMC participants are kept in the CN.tsv file. Default setting removes these participants.
  • --caps_directory (Path) is a folder containing a CAPS compliant dataset
  • --merged_tsv (Path) is a path to a TSV file containing the results of clinica iotools merge-tsv command.
    • If not run before, this command will be run in the task and the output will be save in the RESULTS_DIRECTORY given with the name merged.tsv.
    • If run before, the output has to be store with the name merged.tsvin the RESULTS_DIRECTORY or the path has to be given with this option. It avoids to re-run the merge-tsvcommand which can be very long (more than 30min).
  • --missing_mods (Path) is a path to a TSV file containing the results of clinica iotools missing-modalities command.
    • If not run before, this command will be run in the task and the output directory will be save in the RESULTS_DIRECTORY given with the name missing_mods.
    • If run before, the output directory has to be store with the name missing_mods in the RESULTS_DIRECTORY or the path has to be given with this option. It avoids to re-run the clinica iotools check-missing-modalities command which can be very long (more than 30min, depending on the hardware).
  • --remove-unique-session (bool) if given, participants having only one session will be removed. Default setting keeps these participants.

Example of how to run the task :

clinicadl tsvtools get-labels Data/BIDS Data --merged-tsv merged.tsv --diagnosis AD --diagnosis MCI 

This commandline will create a new TSV file (Data/labels.tsv) with a list of AD and MCI participants from Data/Bids. This command will run clinica iotools check-missing-modalities but used the given merged.tsv file.

Output tree

The command will output a TSV file and a JSON file and will store intermediate results from clinica iotools merge-tsv or clinicadl tsvtool missing_mods commands:

    ├── labels.tsv
    ├── labels.json
    ├── merge.tsv
    └── missing_mods
        └── ...

split - Single split observing similar age and sex distributions


This tool splits all the data in order to have the same sex, age and diagnosis distributions in both sets produced. The similarity of the age and sex distributions is assessed by a T-test and chi-square test, respectively.

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools split [OPTIONS] DATA_TSV

  • DATA_TSV (Path) is the TSV file with the data that are going to be split (output of clinicadl tsvtools get-labels|split|kfold).


  • --subset_name (str) is the name of the subset that is complementary to train. Default value: validation.
  • --n_test (float) gives the number of subjects that will be put in the set complementary to train. Default value: 100.

    • If > 1, corresponds to the number of subjects to put in set with name subset_name.
    • If < 1, proportion of subjects to put in set with name subset_name.
    • If = 0, no training set is created and the whole dataset is considered as one set with name subset_name.
  • --p_age_threshold (float) is the threshold on the p-value used for the T-test on age distributions. Default value: 0.80.

  • --p_sex_threshold (float) is the threshold on the p-value used for the chi2 test on sex distributions. Default value: 0.80.
  • --ignore_demographics (bool) is a flag that disable the use of age, sex and group to balance the split. Default value: False
  • --categorical_split_variable (str) is the name of a categorical variable used for a stratified shuffle split (in addition to age and sex selection). Default value: None


Even if the split is performed on age and sex, these columns do not need to be part of the columns. If they are not present, the pipeline will try to go back to the labels.tsv to find them.

Output tree

The command will generate new tsv files, one containing the keys included in the subset_name set and one containing the ones included in the train set. These files will be stored in the same directory as the FORMATED_DATA_TSV.

└── <split>
    ├── train.tsv
    ├── train_baseline.tsv
    └── subset_name_baseline.tsv

The columns of the produced TSV files are only the keys :participants_id, session_id. TSV files ending with _baseline.tsv only include the baseline session of each subject (or the session closest to baseline if the latter does not exist).

kfold - K-fold split


This tool splits data to perform a k-fold cross-validation.

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools kfold [OPTIONS] DATA_TSV
where DATA_TSV (str) is the TSV file containing the data that are going to be split (output of clinicadl tsvtool getlabels|split|kfold).


  • --subset_name (str) is the name of the subset that is complementary to train. Default value: validation.
  • --n_splits (int) is the value of k. If 0 is given, all subjects are considered as test subjects. Default value: 5.
  • --stratification (str) is the name of the variable used to stratify the k-fold split. By default, the value is None which means there is no stratification.

Output tree

The command will generate a new folder k-fold stored in the same directory as the DATA_TSV file and containing the different split folders. Each of these files contains the keys (participants_id, session_id). For each key, it is expliciting which set it belongs to for each split according to the following structure (example for a 2-fold validation):

└── 2_fold
        ├── split_0
        │   ├── train_baseline.tsv
        │   ├── train.tsv
        │   └── validation_baseline.tsv
        └── split_1
            ├── train_baseline.tsv
            ├── train.tsv
            └── validation_baseline.tsv



This tool performs a single split to prepare testing data and then can perform either k-fold or single split to prepare validation data. It is an easy way to quickly prepare data with basic options.

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools prepare-experiment [OPTIONS] DATA_TSV

  • DATA_TSV (Path) is a TSV file output of clinicadl tsvtool get-labels|split|kfold.


  • --n_test (float) gives the number of subjects that will be put in the test set:

    • If > 1, corresponds to the number of subjects to put in set with name subset_name.
    • If < 1, proportion of subjects to put in set with name subset_name.
    • If = 0, no training set is created and the whole dataset is considered as one set with name subset_name.

    Default value: 100. - --validation_type (str) is the name of the split wanted for the validation. It can only be splitor kfold. Default value: split. - --n_validation(float) gives the number of subjects that will be put in the validation set: - For split, it is the number of subjects to put in validation set if it is a SingleSplit. - For kfold, it is the number of folds in the k-folds split. - If = 0, there is no training set and the whole dataset is considered as a validation set.


Even if the split is performed on age and sex, these columns do not need to be part of the columns. If they are not present, the pipeline will go back to the labels.tsv to find them.



This tool adds a new column progression to the TSV file given. It corresponds to the progression of the Alzheimer's disease. The diagnosis must be one of those : CN (cognitively norma), MCI (mild cognitive impairment) or AD (alzheimer's disease).

The progression label corresponds to the following description:

  • s (stable): diagnosis remains identical during the time_horizon period following the current visit,
  • p (progressive): diagnosis progresses to the following state during the time_horizon period following the current visit (eg. MCI --> AD),
  • r (regressive): diagnosis regresses to the previous state during the time_horizon period following the current visit (eg. MCI --> CN),
  • uk (unknown): there are not enough sessions to assess the reliability of the label but no changes were spotted,
  • us (unstable): otherwise (multiple conversions / regressions).

This pipeline provides the progression of Alzheimer's disease based on the list of sessions provided. If any of the sessions are missing from the input file, the computed disease progression may be inaccurate.


For example, consider the following list:

participant_id session_id diagnosis ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M000 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M012 CN ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M036 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M048 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M060 CN ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M072 AD ...

The participant is unstable, but if, for some reasons, you dropped some sessions, you can end up with the following list:

participant_id session_id diagnosis ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M000 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M036 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M048 MCI ...
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M072 AD ...

Then, if you try to get the progression, the command will return the following list:

participant_id session_id diagnosis progression
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M000 MCI p
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M036 MCI p
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M048 MCI p
sub-ADNI135S6586 ses-M072 AD s

What is wrong because the participant is unstable.

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools get-progression [OPTIONS] DATA_TSV
where DATA_TSV (str) is the TSV file containing the data (output of clinicadl tsvtool getlabels|split|kfold).

Options: - --time_horizon (int) is the time horizon in months that is used to assess the stability of the MCI subjects. Default value: 36.


The diagnosis column do not need to be part of the columns, the pipeline will go back to the labels.tsv to calculate the progression.



This tool add extra columns to the tsv file given. For example, the output of clinicadl tsvtools split/kfold returns a TSV file with only two columns participant_id and session_id and with this command, it is possible to retrieve the age, the diagnosis, the sex or other variables of interest in other tsv files.

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools get-metadata [OPTIONS] DATA_TSV MERGED_TSV

  • DATA_TSV (Path) is a folder containing one TSV file per label (output of clinicadl tsvtool get-labels|split|kfold).
  • MERGED_TSV (Path) is a path to a TSV file containing the results of clinica iotools merge-tsv command.


  • --variables_of_interest (List[str]) is a list of columns present in MERGED_TSV that will be included in the outputs.

If no variables_of_interestis given, all columns present in MERGED_TSV will be included.



This tool writes a TSV file that summarizes the demographics and clinical distributions of the asked labels. Continuous variables are described with statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum), whereas categorical values are grouped by categories. The variables of interest are: age, sex, mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and global clinical dementia rating (CDR).

Running the task

clinicadl tsvtools analysis [OPTIONS] MERGED_TSV DATA_TSV OUTPUT_TSV

  • MERGED_TSV (Path) is the output file of the clinica iotools merge-tsv commands. If th clinicadl tsvtools getlabels command was run before, this file already exists and is stored in the output folder of this command.
  • DATA_TSV (Path) is a folder containing one TSV file per label (output of clinicadl tsvtool getlabels|split|kfold).
  • OUTPUT_TSV (Path) is the path to the TSV file that will be written (filename included).


  • --diagnoses (List[str]) is the list of the labels that will be extracted. These labels must be chosen from {AD,CN,MCI}. Default will only process AD and CN labels.


This summary is a little help to better understand how to pre-process data before training a network, using Clinica and ClinicaDL.
