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random-search- Hyperparameters exploration

This functionality trains a random model with hyperparameters sampled from a predefined space. The hyperparameter space is defined in a random_search.toml file that must be manually filled by the user. Some of its variables are mandatory.

This file contains the fixed values or intervals / sets to sample from. The sampling function are the following:

  • choice samples one element from a list,
  • uniform samples from a uniform distribution over the interval [min, max],
  • exponent draws x from a uniform distribution over the interval [min, max] and return 10-x.
  • randint returns an integer in [min, max].

The values of some variables are also fixed, meaning that they cannot be sampled and that they should be given a unique value.

The values of the variables that can be set in random_search.toml correspond to the options of the train function. Values of the Computational resources section can also be redefined using the command line. Some variables were also added to sample the architecture of the network.


You need to execute the clinicadl tsvtool getlabels and clinicadl tsvtool {split|kfold} commands prior to running this task to have the correct TSV file organization. Moreover, there should be a CAPS, obtained running the t1-linear pipeline of ClinicaDL.

Running the task

This task can be run with the following command line:

clinicadl random-search [OPTIONS] LAUNCH_DIRECTORY NAME

  • LAUNCH_DIRECTORY (Path) is the parent directory of output folder containing the file random_search.toml.
  • NAME (str) is the name of the output folder containing the experiment.

Content of random_search.toml

random_search.toml must be present in launch_dir before running the command.

Mandatory variables:

  • network_task (str) is the task learnt by the network. Must be chosen between classification and regression (random sampling forreconstruction is not implemented yet). Sampling function: fixed.
  • caps_directory (str) is the input folder containing the neuroimaging data in a CAPS hierarchy. Sampling function: fixed.
  • preprocessing_json (str) corresponds to the JSON file produced by clinicadl extract used for the search. Sampling function: fixed.
  • tsv_path (str) is the input folder of a TSV file tree generated by clinicadl tsvtool {split|kfold}. Sampling function: fixed.
  • diagnoses (list of str) is the list of the labels that will be used for training. Sampling function: fixed.
  • epochs (int) is the maximum number of epochs. Sampling function: fixed.
  • n_convblocks (int) is the number of convolutional blocks in CNN. Sampling function: randint.
  • first_conv_width (int) is the number of kernels in the first convolutional layer. Sampling function: choice.
  • n_fcblocks (int) is the number of fully-connected layers at the end of the CNN. Sampling function: randint.

Optional variables:

  • Architecture hyperparameters
    • channels_limit (int) is the maximum number of output channels that can be found in the CNN. Sampling function: fixed. Default: 512.
    • d_reduction (str) is the type of dimension reduction applied to the feature maps. Must include only MaxPooling or stride. In this case the dimension is reduced by having a stride of 2 in one convolutional layer per convolutional block. Sampling function: choice. Default: MaxPooling.
    • n_conv (int) is the number of convolutional layers in a convolutional block. It is sampled independently for each convolutional block. Sampling function: randint. Default: 1.
    • network_normalization (str) is the type of normalization performed after convolutions. Must include only BatchNorm, InstanceNorm or None. Sampling function: choice. Default: BatchNorm.
  • Computational resources
    • --gpu/--no-gpu (bool) forces using GPU / CPUs. Default behaviour is to try to use a GPU and to raise an error if it is not found.
    • --n_proc (int) is the number of workers used by the DataLoader. Default value: 2.
    • --batch_size (int) is the size of the batch used in the DataLoader. Default value: 2.
    • --evaluation_steps (int) gives the number of iterations to perform an evaluation internal to an epoch. Default will only perform an evaluation at the end of each epoch.
  • Data management
    • baseline (bool) allows to only load _baseline.tsv files when set to True. Sampling function: choice. Default: False.
    • data_augmentation (list of str) is the list of data augmentation transforms applied to the training data. Must be chosen in[None, Noise, Erasing, CropPad, Smoothing, Motion, Ghosting, Spike, BiasField, RandomBlur, RandomSwap]. Sampling function: fixed. Default: False.
    • unnormalize (bool) is a flag to disable min-max normalization that is performed by default. Sampling function: choice. Default: False.
    • sampler (str) is the sampler used on the training set. It must be chosen in [random, weighted]. Sampling function: choice. Default: random.
  • Cross-validation arguments
    • --n_splits (int) is a number of splits k to load in the case of a k-fold cross-validation. Default will load a single-split.
    • --split (list of int) is a subset of splits that will be used for training. By default, all splits available are used.
  • Optimization parameters
    • learning_rate (float) is the learning rate used to perform weight update. Sampling function: exponent. Default: 4 (leading to a value of 1e-4).
    • wd_bool (bool) uses weight_decay if True, else weight decay of Adam optimizer is set to 0. Sampling function: choice. Default: True.
    • weight_decay (float) is the weight decay used by the Adam optimizer. Sampling function: exponent, conditioned by wd_bool. Default: 4 (leading to a value of 1e-4).
    • dropout (float) is the rate of dropout applied in dropout layers. Sampling function: uniform. Default: 0.0.
    • patience (int) is the number of epochs for early stopping patience. Sampling function: fixed. Default: 0.
    • tolerance (float) is the value used for early stopping tolerance. Sampling function: fixed. Default: 0.0. "accumulation_steps": 1
  • Transfer learning
    • --transfer_path (str) is the path to a result folder (output of clinicadl train). The best model of this folder will be used to initialize the network as explained in the implementation details. If nothing is given then the initialization will be random.
    • --transfer_selection_metric (str) corresponds to the metric according to which the best model of transfer_path will be loaded. This argument will only be taken into account if the source network is a CNN. Choices are best_loss and best_balanced_accuracy. Default: best_balanced_accuracy.


Results are stored in the results folder given by launch_dir, according to the following file system:

    ├── random_search.toml  
    └── <name>

Example of setting

In the following we give an example of a random_search.toml file and two possible sets of options that can be sampled from it.


# Mandatory args
caps_directory = "/path/to/caps"
tsv_path = "/path/to/tsv"
preprocessing_json = "extract_image.json"
network_task = "classification"
n_convblocks = [2, 6]
first_conv_width = [4, 8, 16, 32]
n_fcblocks = [1, 3]
# Options
channels_limit = 64
d_reduction = ["MaxPooling", "stride"]
network_normalization = ["None", "BatchNorm"]
wd_bool = [true, false]

dropout = [0, 0.9]

diagnoses = ["AD", "CN"]

epochs = 100
learning_rate = [2, 5]
weight_decay = [2, 4]

Options #1

{"mode": "image",
"network_task": "classification",

"caps_directory": "/path/to/caps",
"preprocessing_dict": {...},
"tsv_path": "/path/to/tsv",

"diagnoses": ["AD", "CN"],
"baseline": false,
"unnormalize": false,
"data_augmentation": false,
"sampler": "random",

"epochs": 100,
"learning_rate": 5.64341e-4,
"wd_bool": true,
"weight_decay": 4.87963e-3,
"patience": 20,
"tolerance": 0,

"accumulation_steps": 1,
"evaluation_steps": 0,

"dropout": 0.06792280327917641,

"network_normalization": null,
    {"conv0": {"in_channels": 1, "out_channels": 8, "n_conv": 2, "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"}, 
    "conv1": {"in_channels": 8, "out_channels": 16, "n_conv": 3, "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"}, 
    "conv2": {"in_channels": 16, "out_channels": 32, "n_conv": 2, "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"}, 
    "conv3": {"in_channels": 32, "out_channels": 64, "n_conv": 1, "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"}, 
    "conv4": {"in_channels": 64, "out_channels": 64, "n_conv": 1, "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"}},
    {"FC0": {"in_features": 16128, "out_features": 180},
    "FC1": {"in_features": 180, "out_features": 2}}

In this case weight decay is applied, and the values for the hyperparameters of the architecture are the following:

"n_convblocks": 5,
"first_conv_width": 8,
"channels_limit": 64,
"d_reduction": "MaxPooling",
"n_fcblocks": 2
n_conv is sampled independently for each convolutional block, leading to a different number of layers for each convolutional block, described in the conv dictionary. The number of features in fully-connected layers is computed such as the ratio between each layer is equal (here 16128 / 180 ≈ 180 / 2).

The scheme of the corresponding architecture is the following:

Illustration of the CNN corresponding to options #1

Options #2

{"mode": "image",
"network_task": "classification",

"caps_directory": "/path/to/caps",
"preprocessing_dict": {...},
"tsv_path": "/path/to/tsv",

"diagnoses": ["AD", "CN"],
"baseline": false,
"unnormalize": false,
"data_augmentation": false,
"sampler": "random",

"epochs": 100,
"learning_rate": 7.09740e-3,
"wd_bool": false,
"weight_decay": 4.09832e-4,
"patience": 20,
"tolerance": 0,

"accumulation_steps": 1,
"evaluation_steps": 0,

"dropout": 0.5783296483092104,

"network_normalization": null,
    {"conv0": {"in_channels": 1, "out_channels": 16, "n_conv": 2, "d_reduction": "stride"}, 
    "conv1": {"in_channels": 16, "out_channels": 32, "n_conv": 3, "d_reduction": "stride"}, 
    "conv2": {"in_channels": 32, "out_channels": 64, "n_conv": 2, "d_reduction": "stride"}},
    {"FC0": {"in_features": 21952, "out_features": 2}}

In this case weight decay is not applied, and the values for the hyperparameters of the architecture are the following:

"n_convblocks": 3,
"first_conv_width": 16,
"channels_limit": 64,
"d_reduction": "stride",
"n_fcblocks": 1
n_conv is sampled independently for each convolutional block, leading to a different number of layers for each convolutional block, described in the conv dictionary.

The scheme of the corresponding architecture is the following:

Illustration of the CNN corresponding to options #2