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interpret - Interpret with attribution maps

This functionality allows interpreting pretrained models by computing a mean attribution map across a group of images and optionally individual attribution maps. It takes as input MAPS-like model folders.

Two methods are currently implemented: - gradients is an adaptation of [Simonyan et al., 2014], - grad-cam is the implementation of [Selvaraju et al., 2017].


Please check which preprocessing needs to be performed in the maps.json file of the MAPS. If it has not been performed, execute the preprocessing pipeline as well as clinicadl extract to obtain the tensor versions of the images.

Running the task

This task can be run with the following command line:


  • INPUT_MAPS_DIRECTORY (Path) is a path to the MAPS folder containing the model which will be interpreted.
  • DATA_GROUP (str) is a prefix to name the files resulting from the interpretation task.
  • NAME (str) is the name of the saliency map task.
  • METHOD (str) is the name of the saliency method (gradients or grad-cam).

data group consistency

For ClinicaDL, a data group is linked to a list of participants / sessions and a CAPS directory. When performing a prediction, interpretation or tensor serialization the user must give a data group. If this data group does not exist, the user MUST give a caps_directory and a participants_tsv. If this data group already exists, the user MUST not give any caps_directory or participants_tsv, or set overwrite to True.

Optional arguments:

  • Computational resources
    • --gpu / --no-gpu (bool) Uses GPU acceleration or not. Default behaviour is to try to use a GPU. If not available an error is raised. Use the option --no-gpu if running in CPU.
    • --amp/--no-amp (bool) Enables Pytorch's Automatic Mixed Precision with float16. Might speedup inference with modern GPUs. We do not allow AMP on CPU. Default: False.
    • --n_proc (int) is the number of workers used by the DataLoader. Default: 2.
    • --batch_size (int) is the size of the batch used in the DataLoader. Default: 8.
  • Model selection
    • --selection_metrics (List[str]) is a list of metrics to find the best models to evaluate. Default will predict the results for best model based on the loss only.
  • Data management
    • --participants_tsv (Path) is a path to a directory containing one TSV file per diagnosis (see output tree of get-labels). Default will use the same participants as those used during the training task.
    • --caps_directory (Path) is the path to a CAPS hierarchy. Default will use the same CAPS as during the training task.
    • --multi_cohort (bool) is a flag indicated that multi-cohort classification is performed. In this case, caps_directory and tsv_path must be paths to TSV files.
    • --diagnoses (List[str]) if tsv_file is a split directory, then will only load the labels wanted. Default will look for the same labels used during the training task.
  • Other options
    • --target_node (int) is the node the gradients explain. By default, it will target the first output node.
    • --save_individual (bool) is an option to save individual saliency maps in addition to the mean saliency map.
    • --save_nifti (bool) is an option to save the interpretation map in nifti format.
    • --level_grad_cam (int) is the layer considered to compute the Grad-CAM map. Default will use the last layer of the convolutions parameter of the targeted CNN. The minimum value 1 will backpropagate the results until the feature map located after the first layer.


Results for the DATA_GROUP level are stored in the results folder given by INPUT_MAPS_DIRECTORY, according to the following file system:

    ├── split-0  
    ├── ...  
    └── split-<split>
        └── best-<metric>
                └── <data_group>
                    └── interpret-<name>
                        ├── mean_<mode>-<k>
                        └── sub-<i>_ses-<j>_<mode>-<k>.pt

  • mean_<mode>-<k> is the tensor of the mean saliency map for mode k across the data set used (always saved),
  • sub-<i>_ses-<j>_<mode>-<k>.pt is the tensor of the saliency map for participant i, session j and mode_id k (saved only if flag --save_individual was given).